Migration Law Updates (Recent Changes) Webinar (1 CPD unit for Lawyers) – Video Replay (Recorded 28 March 2024)






Session Length: 1 hour
CPD Points Awarded: 1 point

The Migration Law Updates (Recent Changes) Webinar is a 1 hour webinar that covers in-depth analysis into recent legislative and case law changes in the past 6-12 months, including changes post 1 July 2023. Particular focus will be given to the Family migration and Skilled visa changes across the Graduate Temporary Skilled visa (subclass 485), other General skilled visa pathways, Employer Sponsored Visas, TSS pathways to Employer Nomination Scheme, increase in TSMIT and other major changes announced post 1 July 2023.

For Lawyers:

If this session does meet your CPD needs according to the Uniform CPD (Solicitors) Rules 2015 available at https://www.liv.asn.au/Professional-Practice/Compliance/Legal-Profession-Uniform-Law/Legislation you may claim 1 CPD unit for each hour of attendance (breaks not included).This Information Session falls within the Substantive Law CPD field.